In 2018 we developed the Get on Board event with Richmond Business Improvement District (BID). The aims were to show Richmond’s connection with the Thames and also to build awareneess of the extent to which marine plastic pollution is damaging the river. Close to 100 people mostly from Richmond based enterprises ranging from start ups to EBay collected plastic trash from the river from paddleboards supported by riverside teams collecting plastic from the riverbanks. In 2019 the event grew to 250 participants with national television coverage on all main channels. Planning is underway to grow the event bigger in 2020 and beyond to engage more people and build greater awareness. You can read about 2019 Get on Board Be Richmond events here.

We are currently working with Be Richmond (Richmond Business Improvement District) on planning this year’s GOB event. The likely date is Sunday 21st June and will be many opportunities to get involved - take part, sponsor or volunteer.  More info soon…